Journals, Publications & conferences
- 2010-2013: Masters of Science in Wildlife Management. University of Eldoret
- 2006- 2009: Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management. Moi University
Research Interest:
- Management of natural resources
- Ecological monitoring of fauna and flora
- Wakoli, E., Ipara H., Sitati, N., (2015). Patterns and Causes of Elephant Mortality in Mara Ecosystem, Kenya. Lambert Academic Publishing
- Wakoli, E., and Sitati, N., (2012). Analysis of temporal and distribution patterns of elephants attacks on humans and elephant mortality in Transmara District, Kenya. Greener journal of Environmental Management and public Safety. Vol 1, No1, Pp 027-037.
- 2013: Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI). National Conference on sustainable Land Management. Sustainable land Management in dry lands of Kenya: towards increasing Land Productivity. 26th-28th November, 2013 Great Rift Lodge, Naivasha. Paper to be presented: “Bee keeping in the Agro-pastoral Maasai community of Transmara District, Kenya: N. Sitati, E. Wakoli, S. Tangus and S. Bett”
- 2013: Multi sensor Remote Sensing Technology for Sustainable Disaster Management and 34th Asian conference on remote sensing- Bridging Sustainable Asia-Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta Bali, 20-24th October 2013. Paper presented: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Elephant Mortality in Narok County, Kenya by E. Wakoli, H. Ipara, N. Sitati and P. Odwori.
- 2012: Karatina University College, A constituent of Moi University, International conference on Natural resource, Conflict and Peace 24th-28th July, 2012. Presented a paper on “The role of sports in mitigating human-elephant conflict, E. Wakoli, H. Ipara and N. Sitati”
- 2009: East Africa Environment Network, 19th Annual Conference, Energy, Gender and the Environment. 22nd – 23rd May 2009, AMREF International Training Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. Papers presented: Climate Change May Complicate Human-Elephant Conflict Mitigation in the Mara Ecosystem: N.W. Sitati, D. Syallow and E. Wakoli